Forestry Services

Forest Stand Improvement

Forest Stand Improvement improves the forest habitat and supports wildlife through the removal of non-native species and poor-quality trees and the promotion of oak, aspen, or mast producing trees. This practice can create wildlife openings and animal bedding, improve foraging, and establish young forest used by a wide array of animals and birds.


Timber Harvest Set Up

It can be intimidating to have a timber harvest on your land. We will help you assess if your land is ready for a harvest and what harvest methods and practices align with your goals. Additionally, we can help you explore local markets, mark your land, and find a logger that is a good fit for your site. We can advise on what should be included in your timber contract and help you navigate the process if you are enrolled in Managed Forest Law (MFL).

Project Photos:

  1. Aspen regeneration fall of first growing season post removal of mature aspen.

  2. Oak savanna post timber stand improvement.

  3. Winter timber harvest to promote oak and pockets of aspen regeneration.

  4. Overlooking several year old clear cut.

  5. Woodland at the start of a forest stand improvement project.

