Wildlife Services

Forest Stand Improvement

Forest Stand Improvement improves the forest habitat and supports wildlife through the removal of non-native species and poor-quality trees and the promotion of oak, aspen, or mast producing trees. This practice can create wildlife openings and animal bedding, improve foraging, and establish young forest used by a wide array of animals and birds.


Food Plot Plan & Design

As an avid hunter and trained biologist, I can help you design plots that make sense for the way you hunt and the species you want to attract. 

Let us help you use regenerative ag practices, including the buffalo system, to build soil health and promote productive plots. Increase your value by integrating feathered and softened edges around all plots. Schedule a land consultation so we can plan specific tasks, such as species selection, timing of planting, and site prep for your land.

Wildlife Pond Design

Having a water feature on your land not only creates wonderful wildlife viewing for you but also quickly becomes a go-to water source for animals. Let us help you identify the proper site location, navigate permits, and establish aquatic vegetation.

Project photos:

  1. Multi-species wildlife mix food plot.

  2. No-till seeding of soybean food plot into heavy organic matter.

  3. Soybean food plot with solar wildlife exclosure during the growing season.

  4. Deer getting a drink in a wildlife pond.



