Farm Services

Hobby Farm Set up and Design

Introducing animals to your land creates so many great experiences, along with some challenges. Let our experience help you set up your land to accommodate the animals you are interested in raising and think through how to grow feed, establish fencing, and care for them throughout the seasons.


Cropland Conservation Planning

Whether you farm your agricultural land or rent the tillable out to another producer, we can help you determine land management practices to improve your site. Either by yourself or with your renter, we can help establish new care expectations to ensure you are improving soil health, reducing erosion and runoff, and keeping rich topsoil on your site.

Project photos:

  1. Regenerative ag field with covercrop.

  2. Series of four photos illustrating the buffalo system often used in food plots being applied to garden space.

  3. Contour farming practice implemented after an agricultural conservation plan consultation.

  4. Cattle in rotational grazing system.



